Thank you for this beautiful essay. Thank you for giving a voice to so many.

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Thanks Bianca. We appreciate your support!

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Jun 21Liked by We The Patriots USA

I support you! I will donate when able to. I really enjoyed the Health Freedom conference in Boise last year. You have a fantastic organization. No need to change the name!

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I attended that too, Elisa. It was fantastic!

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Thanks Elisa. We'd love to do it again, but unfortunately we just don't have the funding anymore. People can barely put food on the table, let alone give to charity. We are doing everything we can to hang in there until things turn around.

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I wonder...were the likes of Eugene Debs and Upton Sinclair - "Patriots"? How about the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.? Was Mario Savio?

The problem I have with the word, is how it's been somewhat hijacked, by Conservatives. Blindly supporting Dick Cheney, as he destroyed the Constitution, and pushed us into forever wars, for the Globalists' Empire - seems no more patriotic, to me, than supporting his cousin Barry, or Joe Biden, while they do the same.

In 1776, the people of the several states, were sovereign, in their own lives. This was re-affirmed by the first Supreme Court Chief Justice, John Jay, in his written opinion, on Chisholm v. Georgia. And the Citizens of the several States united, were Patriots for the own state, above all. Aside from employees and officials and soldiers of the Federal Government, outside of the District of Columbia, there were very few "US citizens". The war flag of the United States, was rarely seen.

Since the Civil War, slowly but surely, that has largely changed. The people of the states are still sovereign - but for most people (PERSONS, actually), that's not a moniker or status that applies to them.

Much of what "Patriots" today complain of, are symptoms of their being regarded as "US citizens" - collateralized as sureties, for the debts of the Federal Government. The explanations and reasoning for this can largely be found in the footnotes of Cook v. Tait, Dyett vs. Turner, and a myriad of other cases. Our law and our Constitutions are inchoate. It is the state Constitutions which protect most of our inalienable and important rights. The 14th Amendment protects very little.

I wonder - as one of the people of (the) California (Republic state) - am I to be considered a Patriot? Should I cheer on an Empire, as intent upon destroying me and my rights, as it seems to be with regard to any Foreign State or Nation, which dares to reject its claims to Hegemony and rulership?

On the 4th of July, I express my Patriotism, by flying the Bear Flag.

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If you think that "much of what 'Patriots' today complain of, are symptoms of their being regarded as "US citizens" - collateralized as sureties, for the debts of the Federal Government," then you know nothing about us and what we are fighting for. You are buying into a stereotype, which bears no resemblance to the truth.

Having just escaped, I mean this with sincerity, good luck with living in CA.

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I don't know YOU - but I know lots of people who call themselves "Patriots". I know plenty of Conservatives, Republicans, Trump-supporters and Libertarians.

Many of them complain about Income Taxes. That's a duty connected to 14th Amendment citizenship. Some complain about restrictions on the right to bear arms...state Citizens/people shouldn't have these kinds of problems, once they take certain steps, to make clear their status.

So far so good, as far as living in the California Republic state. I try to avoid straying into THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA.

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