Two emotions struck me almost immediately upon learning today that Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has been named by President Trump to be the next Secretary of Health and Human Services. The first, as you might expect, was elation. As the father of a vaccine-injured child who has fought for health freedom causes for the better part of a decade, the thought of Kennedy having charge over 13 public health and human services agencies is nothing short of a dream come true. When I first met Kennedy at an event in Hartford, CT back in March of 2019, I expressed my overwhelming gratitude for his work in health freedom activism, especially what he had done for the countless families who have suffered vaccine injuries and deaths from childhood vaccinations. I told him about my son’s injury, and assured him that I knew my son would thank him too, if only he could. It was all I could do to hold back tears.
Since then, Bobby and I have kept in touch, and our organizations - Children’s Health Defense and We The Patriots USA - have worked closely together. Kennedy is currently a co-plaintiff with We The Patriots USA in a lawsuit seeking to strike down Congress’s TikTok ban as unconstitutional. Bobby has an expert knowledge of the corruption that has run rampant in agencies like the FDA and CDC, and I know he will do everything in his power to root it out and reform public health in America. Just to be clear, this is not an expression of political support. This is solely about his qualifications, and the facts don’t lie. Kennedy is the best person for this job, regardless of the administration in which he’s serving.
But once I came down from that cloud, another, quite contrary, emotion hit me: fear. More precisely, my fear was that this announcement would result in complacency from the health freedom community. Judging from the posts I’ve seen flooding social media in the last several hours, this fear is far from unfounded. The sentiment seems to be that with Kennedy at the helm, all of our troubles are over. He is essentially being hailed as our long-awaited health freedom savior. That kind of enthusiastic support, however well-intended, could quite possibly be the most dangerous thing that has ever happened to our movement. The last thing we need now is for people to step down, to back away from the fight. Our ranks have grown exponentially during the covid era, and this could be just the thing to shrink them. I can see far fewer people showing up for rallies at state capitols, far fewer people donating to private organizations that have been fighting on the front lines of the war for health freedom for many years. After all, if the government is now full of people who are here to save us, why waste time and money fighting ourselves?
Just yesterday, I heard a conspiracy theory that was even more frightening. What if the plan by the global elites was to pull all of the health freedom warriors out of their respective organizations and get them all in one place - the federal government - where they can be watched and controlled. Another nefarious consequence of such a plan would be that the organizations they led would likely crumble in their absence. In four years’ time, we could be left with a gaping hole, a vacuum of health freedom warriors in the private nonprofit sector.
I have no idea if there is any truth to support such a theory, but it doesn’t really matter, because one thing is certain: if people stop supporting organizations with experience and a track record of proven success fighting for health freedom causes, many people will suffer as a result. If I’ve learned one thing in my time in this fight, it’s that the government isn’t our savior, no matter who’s running it. That doesn’t mean that this administration can’t do a lot of good. But remember, getting things done in Washington has never been easy. Congress has a way of impeding good policymaking, regardless of which party is in power. And while we’re on the subject of political power, remember also that power is fleeting. In two years’ time, there will be another election, and the balance of power in Congress could very well shift. That’s an incredibly small amount of time to upend decades of corruption.
All of this is not to say we shouldn’t be filled with a tremendous feeling of hope right now. I’m not here to rain on the parade, even if it seems like that’s exactly what I’m doing. I’m just here to say that the rest of us outside of D.C. need to be ever-vigilant, keeping our foot on the pedal as we continue the fight for health freedom. President Trump, Bobby Kennedy, and Matt Gaetz combined cannot file lawsuits representing each and every private citizen in states like California, New York, Connecticut, and Massachusetts who will continue to be oppressed by unconstitutional laws, executive orders, and public health regulations that will continue to pour out of those states. In fact, things are likely to get uglier there and in other states where the government officials aren’t likely to share Kennedy’s public health philosophy. Don’t be surprised if suddenly California decides that the CDC guidelines can no longer be trusted, and instead passes legislation requiring that doctors, hospitals, and schools must now follow only the guidelines of the California Department of Public Health. I predict that we’re likely to see a public health showdown between several states and the federal government, and that includes so-called swing states that went for President Trump, but where the state government officials will be anything but supportive of the President.
For this reason, now more than ever we must band together and support private organizations that are standing ready to fight back against these tyrants in court. As you prepare to make your year-end tax-deductible charitable gifts, please remember We The Patriots USA. Please also remember organizations like Children’s Health Defense, Health Freedom Defense Fund, Informed Consent Action Network (ICAN), National Vaccine Information Center (NVIC), and others that have been doing such important work for health freedom for many years, even when it seemed all hope was lost. Now that we have more hope than ever, the last thing we should do is turn our back on those who were here for us all along.
check out a petition at your freedom NOW-stop the uns pandemic treaty before its it carefully to understand just how serious things really are..its a worldwide petition it can be signed and reshared widely worldwide from any country in the world including america..that said dont waste your time resharing it on facebook/youtube/twitter/. who you can be sure will censor and suppress it.that said there are many alternatives that can be used and substack will be a good place to currently has over 218000 signatures it urgently needs many more and YOU can help in getting them firstly by signing it and also by reharing it widely with as many like minded people and groups as you possibly can and be sure to ask each one of them to do exactly the same as ive asked closing your silence is your consent
My real concern is that RFK Jr is far and away the least likely of all to be confirmed... though everyone who votes against his confirmation will be outed as tools of Big Pharma and Big Ag. May as well fit them with race car driver suits with the logos of their corporate sponsors.
We and President Trump need to hammer that point home prior to the confirmation hearings. "Let's see who serve us, The People, and who are in the pockets of the corporations who are profiteering from the massive epidemic of chronic illness.